Monday, January 18, 2016

Molly's Memos: Christmas, 2015

On Christmas morning, my visions of sugar plums were broken by three loud, excited voices.

"Whaaaaa?" I mumbled.

"It's Christmas, Molly! Wake up!" Kit exclaimed.

I shot out of bed. "It's Christmas!"

Everybody gathered in the living room, ready to open their stockings.

We were all very excited!

Josefina passed out the stockings.

When each girl had hers, we were surprised to find an extra! Whose could that be?

"I hope I'm not too late," an unfamiliar voice called, "MyLittleMegara only just opened me."

 It was a Lindsey doll, GOTY 2001-2!

Addy and I ran up to her and hugged her.

Lindsey sat down by Aighmi*s Molly and pulled her stocking into her lap.

Addy opened her stocking to reveal... a stuffed dog, cooking spoons, and a cocoa mix.

I got a hankie, a snow globe, and a new glasses case.

Ruthie seemed excited about her new hair elastic, a felted owl, and a snow globe.

Rosie said she had always wanted a journal, and loves toy Randall from Monsters Inc, and toy Cat in the Hat.

Isabelle got a hair elastic, a key chain, and a pretty new dress for her Rapunzel doll.

Wendy's stocking contained a flower clip, a heart charm, and a bunny toy.

Emily got Pinkie Pie, Flounder, and cozy new mittens,

Kit could hardly believe she now has a wizard of her very own, & she likes her barrette and turtle.

Nellie received an authentic 1970's barrette, a puffer fish, and an elephant...which she must have thought was a tiara.  Should we tell her?

Samantha can hardly believe she has her very own paint set, a hair ribbon, and violin rosin.

Elizabeth got a skating ribbon, a kitty cat, and a movie camera.

Josefina was clearly pleased with a new flashlight, rolling pin, and genie lamp.  Wait, will we each get to rub the lamp?

Aighmi's Molly was given a book, a Christmas ornament, and a very cute hamster.

Lindsey's stocking revealed a Marie Tsum Tsum (from The Aristocats,) a barrette, and a diary.

Now for presents!!

Addy's gift was a Just Like You doll!

I got warm and cuddly earmuffs and a muff.

Ruthie got a beaded purse.  She said she can't wait to put her favorite hankie in it!

Rosie's new doll has color-changing hair!  Rosie loves her.

Isabelle got a thread caddy.  She then spent the rest of the day talking about the different projects she wants to do.

Wendy was delighted to find two Nutcracker tickets in her gift!  Who will she invite to go with her to the show?

Appropriately enough, Emily got Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol.

Kit received a chicken plush.  It probably won't produce eggs, though.  Too bad, as Josefina could make omelettes. (Kit is groaning as I write this.)

Nellie was thrilled with her "far OUT" doll from the '70s.  We all just smiled awkwardly.

Samantha got new sheet music.  At least she seemed to like it.  We wish she would practice with the door shut.

Elizabeth seemed to be delighted with her pretty new bracelet.

Josefina's new measuring cups will be perfect when she makes us treats!  (Without eggs.)

Aighmi*s Molly received an adorable bear!

Lindsey got pajamas that looked adorable...until she tried them on & found they did not fit.  Oops!

We were all happy and exhausted and slightly dazed after the gift opening.

Welcome Home Lindsey!!!

Gosh and Golly!
Olly Molly