Thursday, October 8, 2015

Key Moments With Kit: Summer Reading

Molly isn't the only one who had adventures this summer... I had one here at home.

A good book is the perfect way to experience an adventure when you can't go anywhere exciting.

Since the humans were on vacation and we dolls couldn't exactly go anywhere without breaking the Code of Dolls, I was very glad to have Bilbo's book.

I'd love to go to the Shire. It sounds so exciting!

I can't wait to find out what happens next. This book is very interesting and I honestly can't predict what'll happen next.

I don't think Ruthie would like it very much, though... no princesses or romance.

When I read the part about Gollum, I was so freaked out that I couldn't put the book down until Bilbo got out of the cave.

Any other Hobbit fans out there?

Kit Kittredge