Friday, December 16, 2016

Josefina's Joys: New Mexico, Summer 2016

This summer, I got to go to New Mexico!

The first day was just the trip there, which consisted of a plane ride and then a drive in a car.

On the second day, I got up early so I could explore.

MyLittleMegara made me a bunch of skirts so I would look "historically accurate," which was nice... but I would rather have been in pants.

I finally settled on an outfit I liked, then went outside to play.

I found some beautiful scenery to climb around on.

I felt like I could run around for hours.

So much SKY...

I wished I had my tennis racket and a ball so I could practice!

I settled on exploring instead.

The sun was warm on my vinyl, but not uncomfortable.

The grass was taller than I was in some places.

I was on the lookout for wildlife.

Sadly, I didn't see any. YET.

The third day, I played cards with Aighmi*'s new vintage Molly.

We ate a lot of snacks...

I knew I would win!

Molly was very good at the game, though.

It was close competition.

On the fourth day, MyLittleMegara's family got an AG catalog in the mail.

Not quite the quality I'm used to...

Honestly, looking at the catalog kind of made me sad.

Lea's house was cute, though.


On the fifth day of my trip, MyLittleMegara let me color her Doctor Who coloring book.

I like Eleven best, but Doctor Who isn't an obsession of mine.

I've only seen a few episodes.

The sixth day, I went adventuring outside again.

Since it was my second to last day, I wanted to make sure I saw everything!

I wanted to see deer, but the only animals I saw were a few humming birds.

I did find a dried up stream.

I'm not a poetic doll at all, but the way the light hit the stones was really gorgeous.

There were all sorts of lovely yellow wildflowers.

Isabelle told me the pictures looked like something Van Gogh might paint.

Wasn't he the one eared painter?

Oops, you can't see my face in this picture...

I found a big tree!

It was fun to climb around on.

The branches were all twisted.

The sky was so pretty with all the clouds.

I could even see a mountain!

New Mexico is beautiful.

Look, Mom, I'm almost as tall as you are!

This one looks like a post card.

There was also a lot of scrub oak.

I really started to feel like my book character. Yikes. I'm really not like her at all - I'm not afraid of ANYTHING.

I found a log to sit on!

I sat there to rest for a few minutes before going back to exploring.

While looking around, I found a lake.

At first I was concerned about what MyLittleMegara would do if I got close to the water...

... but my adventuresome spirit won over my conscience.

The water was calm and as bright as the sky.

Geez, I'm starting to sound poetic.

I really, really wanted to wade.

The water was cool and the plants were tickly!

I love New Mexico.

On the seventh day of my trip,  I played games with the humans.

I had some help from MyLittleMegara with my words.

Bananagrams is more Nellie's thing than mine.

Still, I did pretty well.

Goodbye, New Mexico.

The last day was another car ride and plane trip.

As much as I loved New Mexico, I was glad to go home.

I really missed my tennis racket.

Josefina M


  1. XD, "I really missed my tennis racket." 😂😂😂😂😂

    1. What? I was really glad to see it again!

      Oh, yeah, and my sisters.

      Josefina M

  2. Looks like it was a great trip! :)
